Monday, July 16, 2007

PARKer dolls

Thought it was time the PARKer dolls made it on to or blog. Photo is of Prue Parker and Paddy Parker. Receiving lots of lovely compliments fromWCP - that is Woodend Children's Park committee members. All the Parker childlren are now for sale at the Westpac Bank in Woodend, for what I have now been told several times - very cheaply priced.

So - if anyone would like to adopt a PARKer doll, from $8.00, all individually named - please pop into the Westpac Bank. All proceeds to the new adventure playground in Woodend. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Fellow TT's am now regisgtered as blogger. What is that exactly!! Remember I don't even know how to SMS!!!


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Minor Threads...

What a wonderful evening...

Congratulations to Charli, Michaela, Hannah, Nellie, Miette, Tom, Zoe, Mahli, Alice, Kalum, Tali, Louis, Jack, Kai and Paddy... you all did a wonderful job - we are very proud of you excellent art work.

There were wonderful space craft, flowers, dinosaurs, a horse, person, heart, ring, angel, butterfy, and mighty Bulldogs emblem created tonight.

A special thank you to our wonderful helper ::Manisha:: You are a star!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Kid's school holiday activity...

Hi Girls...

Click here for a tutorial I made for the fabric collage/picture we are doing with the kids this holidays... It will give you a list of the materials and show the way we did Mic's horse so you are all prepared for the onslaught with our kids...

Mic and I made this one yesterday and she had a ball! She is going to make a dog picture next...!

See you all soon