Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kid's Sewing Night...

Have had interest for another Kid's sewing night.... and was thinking (shudder shudder to those who get scared when i say that!) maybe we could get the older kids to stencil a picture on a t-shirt and the younger ones to use textile crayons to draw a design on a tee....

Check these tutorials out to see what I mean...
There are heaps more on web... i just googled "kid's stencil freezer paper" these were the first hits...

Also found a cache of stencils at stencilry... and spray paint stencils check 'em out! Sure there are heaps more... Or just get the kids to draw their own - the more simple the better!

Here's one us gals could put on our t-shirts!

Let me know what you think...!


p.s. had a play... made myself a tartan scottie dog purse... it's lots of fun!


mia said...

TOO cute!
I can just see this scotty dog on your little tartan mini-skirt with your torn fish-net stockings!!!

The Sew What! Girls said...

aahhhhh!!! you worked out how to use blogger! welcome aboard!

can't wait to get that skirt out of the wardrobe... watch out!

mia said...

YEP...watch out I might not know when to stop blogging!!!